Online Safety
What is Online Safety?
Online Safety involves pupils, staff, governors and parents making best use of technology, information, training and this policy to create and maintain a safe online and ICT environment for everyone in the St Columba’s Primary School community.
The Online Safety Team
- The school’s Online Safety Co-ordinator is Mrs Imelda Keenan
- The Online Safety Governor is Mrs Kate Quigg.
Preventative Curriculum
All pupils sign class agreements before using the Internet and follow an agreed code of Conduct for online activities. Our ‘Online Safety’ preventative curriculum is continual throughout the year and constantly reviewed. Our pupils have opportunities to develop their cyber resilience and online safety skills across the curriculum and at all levels. We participate in the NSPCC ‘Keeping Safe’ Programme and as a result, pupils have opportunities to develop their understanding and recognition of abusive behaviour and identify those who pose a threat to them, including within the online world. We take part in ‘Safer Internet Day’ each year. This is overarched by our PD&MU area of learning.

Social Networking Age Limits
As a parent/guardian, it is very important that you know that all social media platforms and messaging apps have age limits in place.
Some social networking apps/platforms use technologies that may not contain age appropriate material or provide public engagement platforms intended for those who are much older than primary aged pupils.
Further Resources
We have found these web sites useful for Online Safety advice and information.